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Greenventory is a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE). It has developed software that is designed to help map, analyze and improve energy systems in an automated and customized manner. The software uses a wide variety of data sources such as satellite images, climate data and the Internet of Things (IoT). The software aims to show precisely how to use energy more efficiently by considering heat, electricity and mobility together. This allows utility companies and network operators, for example, to include data in their planning that may make subsequent grid reinforcement unnecessary. According to Greenventory, the software has already been used successfully in more than 20 projects.

The success of the energy transition depends on intelligent grid planning. “Precise information about the behavior of millions of decentralized generation plants is essential for grid operation that is suitable for energy transition,” says the Federal Ministry of Economics . Two reasons for this are the shutdown of Germany’s nuclear power plants by 2022 and the fluctuations in electricity output generated by means of renewable energies.