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Products and processes are becoming more and more complicated. The Additive Manufacturing Plaza will demonstrate how complex products can be generated directly from 3D models using simple and largely automatic procedures.

Additive manufacturing is all set to take industry by storm. Following on from the success of 3D printers, new machines are now entering the market that are capable of producing finished products as opposed to mere prototypes. These machines deposit material – layer by layer – on the basis of 3D computer data. To this end new industrial materials have been developed that easily match their conventional equivalents in terms of performance and reliability. Premium partner of the plaza is the company ARBURG in Loßburg.

In recent years HANNOVER MESSE has featured individual pioneers of additive manufacturing. Now it has been decided to create a dedicated display – the Additive Manufacturing Plaza – under the umbrella of Digital Factory 2015. The focus will be on IT systems for the processing of 3D models as a basis for additive manufacturing.