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At the latest with the publication of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI) has made the transition from science fiction to a science that already exists in the public eye. The academic world was already a little further ahead and created the basis for many a start-up with the corresponding basic knowledge, which is now facing an exciting future. The Transfer and Start-up Centre at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) is likely to be one of the first ports of call for young people looking for precisely this mix of promising knowledge transfer and support for start-ups. With "AI Engineering - Artificial Intelligence in the Engineering Sciences", the OVGU offers the right degree programme for this.

Interested parties will have the opportunity to find out more about the OVGU's AI programme at HANNOVER MESSE in April 2024. Current projects of the Artificial Intelligence Lab will be presented there by means of special exhibits. The focus will be on the application of AI in the fields of language anonymisation and traffic planning as well as on the explainability of artificial neural networks. The aim of the university is to train urgently needed specialists of tomorrow who can act as an interface between engineering and research in the field of artificial intelligence. This would enable small and medium-sized companies in particular to benefit from the enormous progress being made in the field of AI. In addition to prospective students, companies are therefore also invited to find out more about the degree programme. Cooperations in the form of research projects or internships are desired and should be an integral part of the degree programme.

In addition to OVGU, the NC-free degree programme is also offered by four other universities in Saxony-Anhalt: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. Each university has its own specialisation, which can be chosen according to individual interests.
