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We live in a world full of pressures. Industry in particular knows a thing or two about it. Whether highly flammable gases or otherwise delicate liquids - all of these must be kept in check in order not to harm our environment even more than it already does. But how do you detect even the smallest leaks in time, even before major trouble threatens? INFICON, whose German headquarters are located in Cologne, Germany, has been tackling this rather difficult task for quite some time. As one of the world's leading developers, producers and suppliers of instruments and devices for leak testing, INFICON covers a wide range of applications. INFICON's main customers include manufacturers and service companies of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, the automotive and automotive supplier industry, the semiconductor industry and manufacturers of leak testing equipment. Automotive manufacturers and their suppliers in particular rely almost without exception on INFICON's expertise. Whether airbags, air-conditioning systems, fuel tanks, injection systems, fluid containers or modern components of alternative drives - almost everything is tested for leaks using the appropriate technical solutions.

Tracking down the volatile gas

In the wake of the emerging hydrogen economy, this area is naturally a particular focus of attention. At the upcoming HANNOVER MESSE 2023, INFICON will therefore be demonstrating how the new Sentrac Strix Edition hydrogen leak detector can be used to track down this particularly volatile gas. What fundamentally distinguishes the Sentrac Strix Edition from the original Sensistor Sentrac is the completely new hand-held measuring head: Strix. With a brand new sensor, Strix is said to provide not only faster response times, but also a much faster signal decay. This means that smaller leaks can now be detected even more easily - without compromising on the detection of larger leaks. It also means that immediately after the detection of a large leak, the detection of a small leak is possible.

Cost-effective upgrade possible

The Strix handheld probe is lightweight, robust and is also said to offer maximum operator ergonomics. Thanks to the small probe tip, easy access is possible even on test components with complicated geometries. The handheld probe has a multi-function button and a clear display that provides leak detection information and makes handling easier for the operator. In addition, Strix has a longer service life than the previous sensor, which has a positive effect on the total cost of ownership. And those who already own a Sensistor Sentrac device can easily upgrade it with the new Strix handheld sensor.
