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Between 2020 and 2023, the AI marketplace project expects to produce a digital platform that brings together AI experts, solution providers, and the businesses producing them. The Ministry of Economics has provided 11.5 million euros of funding for the project. The plan is to successively expand its features to enable joint development of AI solutions for product development and to provide these solutions. The marketplace, which started as an intelligent matchmaking service for AI use cases through a data room, has developed into a construction kit for AI development. The marketplace’s goal is to provide tools for innovative AI solutions. In doing so, it relies on a trust-based concept with the fitting IT infrastructure which enables data sovereignty and fair transaction mechanisms. The approximate 200 partners of the it’s OWL technology network are the core of the marketplace.

The project’s research partners include multiple Fraunhofer Institutes, other research institutes and academies, as well as the following businesses: Claas , Diebold Nixdorf , Düspohl , Hella Gutmann , Contact Software , Unity , and Westaflex .