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Numerous studies have already shown that further education and qualification are the keys to survival in the world of work 4.0. In addition to formal learning, informal acquisition of knowledge and its recognition are becoming more important, emphasizes Roland Sommer, Managing Director of Plattform Industrie 4.0 Austria . The published results paper distinguishes itself from similar investigations by its variety of practical tips. The advice is divided into seven areas of action. These include the combination of new and old learning content, the creation of a variety of learning venues, and the promotion of collaborations and approaches to learning.

The optimization of framework conditions is also an important field of action, according to the authors. Specifically, they recommend to provide access to in-house training for all employees and to anchor the value of education in the company. In addition, the meaning and benefits of continuing education should be communicated more strongly. Of course, not all of the 81 tips are suitable for every industrial company in Germany, but helpful hints for individual situations can be found in the compendium.

To round off the view into the neighboring country, according to a recent study by EY Consulting , 60% of Austrian industrial companies are already producing digital, at least in part. In Germany, the rate is only 54%. However, investments in digital technologies are still limited within most companies in Austria.