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This includes the installation of semi-finished fiber parts, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) reports . The software, which was designed for the standard glasses on the market, shows the exact orientation and positioning of semi-finished parts on the structural element itself. The superimposed images also help with cutting the semi-finished parts. Compared to the previous process, the software is more flexible and is suitable for series manufacturing of products made of fiber-reinforced plastic. Companies can test the app with a feasibility study, the Fraunhofer Institute has said. The researchers think that the technology will be useful for mechanical engineering and medical technology.

In the future, augmented and virtual reality will have an important role to play in businesses. This is the view of the consultancy company PwC which forecasts that about 400,000 people in Germany will work with this technology in 2030. Today, the number is already 15,000. The consultants believe AR and VR have an economic potential of about 103 billion US dollars (approx. 96 billion euros) in Germany – and globally of 1.5 trillion US dollars (1.4 trillion euros).