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This is the conclusion of the new State of Cybersecurity Report from IT consulting group Wipro. The data bases for the study include three months of research, as well as surveys in more than 200 global companies in 27 countries – with mixed results. For example, while the study found that the number of security breaches publicly reported fell by 25% in 2018, considerably more data records were exposed and more specific information with a higher monetary value was hacked. The companies surveyed had all upgraded their security strategies. However, new threats are constantly emerging, especially from coin mining. According to Wipro, a quarter of the companies surveyed last year were targeted by the malware Coinhive . As far as the vulnerability of IoT devices is concerned, this potential threat seems to be spreading: For 26% of the respondents, their security assessment came first in the fight against new risks.

As German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reports , German industry in particular is a lucrative target for espionage and cyber attacks. Experts doubt that it is sufficiently prepared to counter the growing threats.