Data centers create new jobs
German data centers have created more than 15,000 new jobs since 2014, according to the study by the Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability commissioned by the digital association Bitkom.
Big data, cloud computing and last but not least the technologies summarized under the term Industry 4.0 require ever larger capacities in German data centers. According to Bitkom , the market in Germany has grown by about 10% to over one billion euros in the past year alone. German data centers employ 130,000 full-time workers, with another 85,000 jobs being directly dependent on them.
Germany is nevertheless losing ground against the USA, Asian markets, and other European countries. Although Germany still held a global market share of 5% in 2010, the study predicts the figure will drop to 4% in 2020. The authors of the study see obstacles in, among other things, the comparatively high energy prices and sometimes lengthy approval procedures. “High-speed networks and technical developments such as cloud computing and virtualization are making data center operation and location more flexible,” warns Bitkom President Achim Berg.
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