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Big data, cloud computing and last but not least the technologies summarized under the term Industry 4.0 require ever larger capacities in German data centers. According to Bitkom , the market in Germany has grown by about 10% to over one billion euros in the past year alone. German data centers employ 130,000 full-time workers, with another 85,000 jobs being directly dependent on them.

Germany is nevertheless losing ground against the USA, Asian markets, and other European countries. Although Germany still held a global market share of 5% in 2010, the study predicts the figure will drop to 4% in 2020. The authors of the study see obstacles in, among other things, the comparatively high energy prices and sometimes lengthy approval procedures. “High-speed networks and technical developments such as cloud computing and virtualization are making data center operation and location more flexible,” warns Bitkom President Achim Berg.