Exhibitors & Products

Flexible Manufacturing
Due to the growing variety of products and increasing individualization, the Paint shop of the future needs flexible and scalable production layouts. The use case "Flexible Manufacturing" shows the possibilities of flexible production, based on Dürr's box concept and integrating automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

Holistic Production Control
Being presented for the first time, Dürr's DXQenergy.management offers the possibility of central monitoring of energy consumption in a production plant all the way to detailed analysis of individual consumption. The intelligent energy monitoring solution can also be used to display energy flows in production and respective energy costs.

Manufacturing Analytics and Intelligence
From prevention to prediction: renowned with several awards, the DXQanalyze product family extensively documents all available process data. With the help of machine learning, the products analyze collected data and thus detect potential errors or quality defects in real time. This helps prevent machine downtime and determine the most optimal maintenance times possible.