Exhibitors & Products

"Quantum VTR" is the focus of attention at the Baden-Württemberg stand in Hall 2. This unmanned flying device is powered solely by electricity from batteries. At the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) student research projects have developed a single cylinder two-strike engine with a compression wave injection (CWI) fuel mixture generation unit to extend the range of the flying device. Various innovative combustion engines complete the DHBW exhibit. In addition, the university is presenting a model plant for manufacturing and verification automation that represents "a realistic, open, expandable system to integrate information to pave the way to Industry 4.0 ." The DHBW business department is showcasing an eye-tracking system that is used for applied research in product marketing.

Eleven universities, research institutes and companies are presenting leading technology for mobility, electronic engineering, power management, and materials technology at the group pavilion hosted by the German state of Baden-Württemberg.

The spotlight is also on medical engineering. Among others, the University of Furtwangen in cooperation with the University of Freiburg and industry partners is exploring innovative aids for the visually impaired and the blind. An intelligent walking frame developed by the medical technology and microsystem department with a built-in laser scanner uses vibrations to draw the attention of blind or visually impaired people to obstacles. Another project deals with tactile human-machine interfaces that can transmit information on surroundings in the form of a tactile "map" in real time.

Researchers from the University of Esslingen are showcasing products from the healthcare area, including new surgery technology and aids for outpatient nursing care. "For us it is important to receive feedback at HANNOVER MESSE from the industry regarding the focus of our research. In addition, we hope to create interest to develop our ideas further," says Prof. Rainer Würslin, Dean of the Department of Mechatronics and Electronics.

ARENA2036 ("Active Research Environment for the Next Generation of Automobiles") is one of the most ambitious research programs in the southwest of Germany, and is also exhibiting at the group pavilion. The mission of this project at the University of Stuttgart, which is supported by partners from business and science, is to develop sustainable Industry 4.0 solutions and transform technology to create more customized mobility options with low energy consumption. The key here is versatile production using intelligent, functionally integrated, multilateral lightweight construction.

The University of Stuttgart's exhibition stand illustrates new construction processes that use material efficiently. In a joint development project, carbon fiber reinforced lightweight structures have been constructed using computer-aided design and simulation tools and a new coreless robotic winding process for fiber composites. This process opens up a new world of design opportunities for architecture.

People Process Places – a triad with a future. The transformation of work and processes places demands on buildings, industrial plants, and locations. The future is in property that is flexible, multi-purpose and variable. At the same time, buildings influence people: Real estate that promotes well-being and flexible, productive work will become the norm. Drees & Sommer from Stuttgart are investigating the future look of intelligent, modularly integrated infrastructures and industrial buildings. The company is presenting several examples at the trade show.

The region's group pavilion is coordinated by Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i), which also provides support to universities and research facilities in southwestern Germany in their search for partners abroad. Baden-Württemberg holds a top spot internationally in terms of expenditure for research and development: 4.8 percent of the state's gross domestic product is invested in this area. In addition to basic research at universities and universities of applied sciences, the close working relationship between industry and research contributes greatly to this success. "The transfer of research results is a mark of this German state's quality," according to bw-i.