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The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Fraunhofer Society – Europe’s largest application-oriented research institution – have joined forces to launch a joint fund as part of the European Commission’s InnovFin program. The aim is to commercialize the intellectual property generated by the Fraunhofer’s 72 institutes and research centers across Germany. The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) is also involved in the fund.

This is the first time that the EIF is promoting technology transfer from a public research body in Germany. Fraunhofer Technologie Transfer Fonds GmbH, a company specially established for this purpose, will have an exclusive opportunity to identify and finance spin-offs and licensing models from Fraunhofer institutes at an early stage of the innovation process. It will also create incentives for the research community to take its findings to market. Instruments for subsequent phases such as the High-Tech-Gründerfonds are already established.