Exhibitors & Products

SPI is the abbreviation for "Solder Paste Inspection". SPI is a common method for improving quality, which also helps to reduce operating costs. The detection of defective solder paste deposits, which can be traced back to varying consistency of the solder pastes, insufficient cleanliness of the stencil or poor machine condition using this process, is significantly cheaper and more effective overall than the sole use of AOI systems (automatic optical inspection), which are only used later in the production process. In addition, the costs for reworking in the initial phase of the production process are significantly lower than in later stages.

The new VP9000 from OMRON is now one of the most modern in the context of SPI. The VP9000 uses highly accurate and repeatable 3D imaging to perform a complete analysis of the solder paste on the PCB. Possible PCB warpage is calculated at each inspection point and automatically compensated for prioritizing the analysis. According to the supplier, the combination of functions enables high-precision volume measurements with high accuracy.

Simple, user-friendly offline programming software also ensures that test programs can be created in just a few minutes. Unique features such as automatic component registration and self-adjusting lighting also simplify and optimize program creation. Compatibility with EPM software programming helps to further improve the programming process.

Equipped with a touch screen, color interface and 2D/3D fluid modeling, the VP9000 provides the operator with immediate, interactive feedback on test results. These results can be checked during the inspection of the following PCB to further increase productivity. The advanced data analysis software provides comprehensive quality data for continuous improvement of manufacturing processes and trend monitoring.

In addition, the VP9000 can send inspection result data back to the screen printer and make the necessary print adjustments in real time to prevent the continuation of errors during production.
