Frankfurt wants to focus AI expertise from the region
An AI association has been created in Frankfurt which intends to provide better knowledge exchange, training and transparency in artificial intelligence (AI). Its founder members include Fraport, Deutsche Bahn and the automation company Samson.
In 2018 when the initiative was launched, AI Frankfurt was initially hoping to network the AI stakeholders in the Rhine-Main region. That clearly worked: at the recent founding of the association at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, more than 60 members from business, research and science were present. Although there are similar networks elsewhere, the combination of excellent research and national and international industry is “already very special” in this case, said Professor Kristian Kersting, AI scientist at the TU Darmstadt and one of nine advisers to the association. Its aims include the creation of a content library and a marketplace for AI in the region.
An awareness seems to be growing that efficient use of AI is not really feasible for one player alone. Hagen Rickmann, Director of Business Customers at Telekom Deutschland GmbH, is also working on the assumption that AI networks are the future. Instead of looking for separate solutions, a dynamic ecosystem of specialists from research, business and startups could provide plenty of impetus, he says in an article in “Handelsblatt” .
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