Exhibitors & Products

Internationally active companies need comprehensive information about world markets. Global Business & Markets at HANNOVER MESSE provides exactly that – participants make new business contacts, attract foreign funding, talk to investors, and evaluate opportunities worldwide.

Roughly 220 exhibitors from 50 countries participate in Global Business & Markets. It is Europe’s biggest foreign trade event and the world’s only such event in an industrial setting. Small and medium-sized companies in particular profit from access to industry locations around the world.

"The European Union stands for fair conditions in global trade. We promote innovation and competition as well as smart networking of companies. Global Business & Markets encourages European SMEs to take advantage of the growth potential that international business offers," said Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs as well as patroness of Global Business & Markets.

Located in Hall 27, Global Business & Markets consists of an exhibit area and economic conference as well as workshops and an investment lounge . Focal points range from Industrie 4.0 and industry politics to economic promotion and industry clusters to risk management and investment capital.

"Exports and internationalization remain a motor for jobs and sustainable growth – everywhere in the world. Cross-border trade brings mutual benefits, protectionism hurts everybody. The BDI uses Global Business & Markets to contribute objective arguments to global political discussions about trade," said Dieter Kempf, President, Federation of German Industries (BDI), and patron of Global Business & Markets.

The conference program at Global Business & Markets addresses a variety of topics, including current challenges in trade politics, European initiatives for growth and industrial development politics as well as the free trade zones and industrial parks of the world.

Global Business & Markets attracts executives, business developers and country managers from internationally active companies as well as ambassadors, trade delegations, representatives from chambers of commerce and associations, and consultants. "Participants in Global Business & Markets define trends, develop target markets and finalize projects. Bringing together decision-makers builds bridges between world markets and promotes exports, trade agreements and cooperation," said Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Director Global Business & Markets, Deutsche Messe AG.