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And from there it can be used to generate electricity, heat for homes and building, or fuel for vehicles.

Who will be there?

Automotive giant BMW is showcasing fuel cells for cars at the Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries joint pavilion. New this year is the hydrogen pathway for trade professionals, where some 20 companies show where mature technologies and therefore opportunities lie in the hydrogen value chain.

In the area of energy storage and clean fuel, ITM Power announced back in December 2016 already that it would present an entire range of large electrolyzer systems at HANNOVER MESSE 2017. With systems of up to 100 MW, the aim is to meet the needs of the supply and the oil and gas industries for larger industrial facilities.

Hydrogen will also be an important theme in the MobiliTec exhibition area. At the eponymous forum, experts will present the different areas in which hydrogen generates important added benefits for mobility – whether through power-to-gas technology, for fuel cells directly or in sector connections.

Alongside the growth in battery-powered electric vehicles, the market for fuel cell vehicles is also growing, even if only a small number of hydrogen charging stations currently exists here in Germany and correspondingly few vehicles are therefore on the roads. The existing fueling network should be expanded to some 400 hydrogen charging stations by 2023, for which the German government alone is providing €247 million.

Get an impressive look at how hydrogen, fuel cells and storage come together with mobility and the new energy economy, to create sustained momentum for a shared value chain, at the Energy fair staged under the umbrella of HANNOVER MESSE.