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If the long-espoused energy revolution is ever to grow beyond political declarations and become a real success, it will take more effort from the relevant institutions. Efficient storage solutions need to be developed for renewable energy sources, along with innovative infrastructures and technologies for delivering and utilizing them. Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel (CAU) believes it has a duty to play its part in the energy revolution. Right now, scientists in a range of disciplines there are working on essential research issues and they are presenting their approaches, findings and results to the public and industry at HANNOVER MESSE 2018.

The various approaches are being showcased in a total of 35 presentations divided into the categories of Energy Solutions, Tech Solutions, Students Solutions and Health & Social Solutions - all of which are being held on the CAU stage at Stand C07 in Hall 2. Visitors can also find out more by talking to CAU experts at the stand about the issues addressed, which include flexible organic optoelectronics and the use of silicon as an innovative material for future rechargeable batteries.
