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In office scenarios, digital robots are called upon to perform tasks such as data entry or creating standardized reports more quickly, efficiently and accurately. To do this, they imitate human employees on the desktop interface using their own identity - for example, as SAP users. This Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is designed for all processes involving decisions based on clear “if-then” rules. From 2020, Audi is also looking to equip some of its digital assistants with artificial intelligence in a bid to ease the strain on staff so they can focus on complex and value-adding tasks. To help achieve this aim, last year the company built up development expertise in RPA, and in summer 2019 Audi IT founded a center of excellence that provides the central platform for RPA.

The new digital assistant is called "Audi myMate”". Following a pilot phase, in August 2019 it began its career in asset accounting and has since been entering and storing capital goods in the system. This has reportedly freed up the employees previously responsible for these activities to devote extra time to more demanding tasks such as analyzing the recorded data. At present, several bots are already in use at Audi, and the company intends to add many more. "With the introduction of RPA, we are pushing forward the digitalization of our business," explains Dr. Bernd Martens, Member of the Board of Management for Procurement and IT. "We are using bots to make our processes more efficient and faster, and at the same time are giving our employees more time for more interesting work - a win-win situation for everyone."

AUDI AG (85045 Ingolstadt, Germany)