Exhibitors & Products

According to the European Commission data an average of 40% of the production costs in the manufacturing sector in Europe relates to raw materials - if all energy and water is included the percentage rises further to 50%, while labour costs account for just 20%. Calculations assume savings from production cost reductions and productivity growth in the amount of 630 billion euros per year. Pioneering concepts and cross-industry solutions in all environmental technologies along the industrial value chain are therefore needed now more than ever before.

A total of 16 companies and organisations will present "Environmental technologies made in NRW" at the North Rhine-Westphalia joint stand in Hall 13 (Stand D 20). In addition to energy and resource efficiency in production also included are innovative filter and exhaust techniques, solutions in the field of water treatment, exhaust heat recovery and treatment of drinking water as well as contributions in the energy production and energy management fields. In personal meetings and using exhibits it will be illustrated how, through intelligent production structures, the closure of fuel cycles or innovative techniques with higher efficiency can sustainably reduce materials and energy costs.

The State Government will demonstrate the great potential and importance of the environmental technology sector in NRW. The development and use of new environmental technologies is the growth driver and employment engine for North Rhine-Westphalian companies. Based on perfect location factors in relation to the volume of demand, availability of skilled labour and infrastructure NRW has already created a powerful GreenTech industry with over 3,000 companies, more than 270,000 employees and sales of around EUR 60 billion. The development and use of new environmental technologies have not only positive effects on the environment, but are also the growth driver and employment engine for North Rhine-Westphalian companies.

The results of a survey of companies in the country cluster Umwelttechnologien.NRW confirm the desire of companies for active support in the development of innovations through networking along the value chain and improved access to international markets.

The NRW State Government therefore considers as confirmed, its chosen path of actively supporting the environmental technology sector in the context of environmental economic strategy. This includes not only the state cluster and a number of promotional competitions but among other things also the establishment of funding.

After the results of the Borderstep Institute's Green Economy Gründungsmonitor in 2014 around 170,000 companies were established from 2006 to 2013 in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, recycling and climate change. Young companies created 1.1 million new jobs. Overall, about 14 percent of all new businesses in Germany contribute to an environment and climate friendly economy with their products and services. Almost two thirds of young companies specialize in green services, another third offers environmental and resource-saving products. In 2013, around 16,700 new companies made a start in the green economy. Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg recorded the highest number of company foundations in the field of green economy.

North Rhine-Westphalia will take a period on 14 April during the time 14:00 to 16:00 as part of the GreenSolutionsCenter in Hall 13; where, among others, the Chamber of Crafts Münster, the Bergisch Dreieck regional initiative for new efficiency and the Efficiency Agency will examine the potential of resource efficiency and environmental economics from their perspectives. Environment and Climate Change Minister Johannes Remmel will discuss the potential of green company foundations for NRW in a discussion group with experts from the financial and founding sector as well as young companies.