Industrial Pioneers Summit gearing up for second season
Following its successful debut this year, the Industrial Pioneers Summit will be entering its second season HANNOVER MESSE in April of 2020. Some 500 participants from around the world are expected to attend the event on 22 April 2020 being staged under the tagline "Industrial Transformation". Toby Walsh, international expert on artificial intelligence, to give keynote address.
At the Industrial Pioneers Summit, various experts will be discussing the technological and social challenges posed by the increasing digitization of industrial processes in the future.
One of the first speakers has already been confirmed as Toby Walsh, professor of artificial intelligence at Australia's University of New South Wales, and holder of a visiting professorship at the Technical University of Berlin. He believes that intelligent machines will be able to match human capabilities by the year 2062. In his talk, Walsh will be offering his vision of how the world will look a good 40 years from now, and how that will affect society as a whole.
The Industrial Pioneers Summit is a one-day, invitation-only event, staged under the aegis of HANNOVER MESSE.
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