It's so green that green start-ups are flourishing!
At HANNOVER MESSE 2023, start-ups from NRW want to show how young companies can achieve environmental protection and economic success in equal measure with new, innovative ways of doing business. Together with the competence network Umweltwirtschaft.NRW, they will demonstrate the enormous innovative potential of green start-ups in Germany's leading environmental business location.
"Let's get to KNUW each other!" - This is the slogan with which the Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW (KNUW) is advertising its presence at HANNOVER MESSE 2023. There, on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW, the KNUW will be representing North Rhine-Westphalia's environmental economy together with green start-ups at the joint stand (B46) in the Startup Area in Hall 17. A total of nine founders want to demonstrate on site how they can help to further accelerate the pace of transformation to a green economy with new ideas and business models.
The start-ups - namely: AdaptVerticalMills UG, Chargeunity, Cylib GmbH, Ecogenium e.V., Hermetia Tech GmbH, Palprint Radlaster GmbH / Leezen Heroes, Re:edu GmbH & Co. KG and 4traffic Set GmbH - set thematic priorities ranging from environmentally friendly mobility and energy generation to resource conservation and the circular economy. For example, Cylib developed an innovative process for holistic and innovative battery recycling, starting with the discharge of the batteries and ending with the recovery of all recyclable materials. The young company from Aachen is realising circular economy on the European market with this process. The start-up Leezen Heroes from the bicycle city of Münster, on the other hand, wants to take the transport revolution a step further with its idea. To this end, they provide rickshaws and cargo bikes that take over classic services such as passenger and cargo transport for the last mile. An exhibit can be seen at the KNUW joint stand in Hall 17.
NRW Environment and Transport Minister Oliver Krischer will also see this for himself on Monday, 17.04.2023. On the opening day of the Hannover Messe, he will visit the KNUW joint stand in Hall 17, B46, at 11 a.m., as well as other stands with players from the NRW Green Economy. At 1:30 p.m., the NRW Environment and Transport Minister will speak at the talk on the topic "Raising the great potentials of the Green Economy: Green ideas of today - (environmental) economic success of tomorrow" at the Conference Stage Tech Transfer in Hall 7. A meeting with NRW Economics Minister Mona Neubaur and her Dutch colleague Micky Adriaansens is also planned.
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