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At an event in Kassel in early September, the project partners presented their AnanaS project, an analysis of a combination of solar heat and cogeneration for low-carbon industrial process heat. The main focus of the study is on how solar heat and cogeneration can be coordinated and interlocked to improve options for utilizing regenerative process heat in industrial and commercial applications. Currently, little insight is available on the topic. Based on simulations, the project aims to develop integration recommendations and specific guideline materials.

The Institute of Thermal Engineering at the University of Kassel will head the research project, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), partnering up with industrial companies Limón GmbH and Enertracting GmbH from Kassel; the BHKW-Infozentrum cogeneration plant info center from Rastatt will also provide support. The project is estimated to run 42 months. Several associated network operators will provide anonymized electric and thermal load profiles, which will be analyzed as part of the project.