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Information logistics needs to be seen as an independent field of research, development, and innovation, with the aim of producing software like cars – this is the recommendation in the position papier published by the BVL, which sees logistics and IT as a driver of innovation for the German economy. The paper was compiled by a working group led by Professor Michael ten Hompel ( Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML ), Frauke Heistermann (AXIT, now Siemens Digital Logistics ), and Professor Jakob Rehof ( Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST ).

The authors of the paper call on politics, science, and industry to create frameworks to facilitate software technology innovation. They believe that the greatest strategic opportunity for Germany lies in the rapid, innovative development of sector-specific IT tools and algorithms in the logistics sector. Successful e-commerce and m-commerce delivery systems today are already based on comprehensive logistics and IT expertise. According to the authors, companies that do not focus on a strong link between IT and logistics will soon no longer be competitive.