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The parliament of Lower Saxony has unanimously passed a motion from the FDP fraction calling on the regional government to end its support for DAB+. In the motion and in the contributions on the floor during the debate, it was claimed, among other things, that DAB+ is a “waste of money” and in any case only has the status of a “transitional solution”. At the same time, it was pointed out that the overwhelming majority of the population continues to listen to FM radio programs, a fact which has to be accepted. The regional government is therefore being urged “to commit to ending DAB+ in favor of developing technologies that are more open to the future, such as the 5G standard”. It should also speak out against a shut-off date for FM.

According to the Digitlalisierungsbericht Audio 2018 [Audio Digitization Report 2018] of the regional media organizations, the most common form of radio reception is FM at 68.8%. Behind that comes Internet radio at 9.6%, while DAB+ is only in third place at 5.7%. Younger listeners, in particular, now mainly listen to radio digitally on their smartphones or notebooks and receive programs over the Internet. With the forthcoming dissemination of the 5G Internet wireless standard, a broadband transmission medium will be available for this.