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Thanks to its "Making Indonesia 4.0" initiative, the Indonesian government is providing incentives to introduce Industry 4.0 technologies to the country’s key industrial sectors and expand the digital economy. Parallel to this, programs for further training are in place to train the relevant specialist staff.

A key element of the roadmap consists of expanding cooperation. Partner Country participation at HANNOVER MESSE 2020 offers the ideal conditions for this. “Making Indonesia 4.0” involves numerous stakeholders – from government authorities, industrial associations and companies to universities and investors.

Key 4.0 technologies include artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, enterprise wearables, advanced robotics, and 3-D printing. In addition, the "Making Indonesia 4.0" initiative has set five focus sectors for the initial implementation of these key technologies, i.e. the food and beverage industry, textiles and apparel, automotive, chemicals and electronics.

An important part of Indonesia’s Automotive 4.0 strategy consists of increasing production volumes and efficiency with regard to raw materials and key components through the introduction of new technologies and a more highly developed infrastructure. Key drivers here include the creation of integrated industrial zones and improved efficiency in logistics platforms.

In addition, Indonesia has developed ten national priorities under the “Making Indonesia 4.0” initiative, which aim to accelerate the cross-sector development of the manufacturing sector:

  • Reform material flow
  • Redesign industrial zones
  • Embrace sustainability
  • Empower SMEs
  • Build a nationwide digital infrastructure
  • Attract foreign investment
  • Upgrade human capital
  • Establish an innovation ecosystem
  • Incentivize technology investment
  • Reoptimize regulations and policies
  • With its “Making Indonesia 4.0” roadmap, Indonesia is committed to increasing R&D spending to some 2% of GDP.

    "The Fourth Industrial Revolution has a tremendous potential to alter the industrial landscape and even transform many aspects of human life. 4IR is inevitably making its way and Indonesia is ready to embrace that trend. For Indonesia, the 4IR phenomenon brings about an opportunity to revitalize our manufacturing sector and act as an accelerator to achieving our vision of becoming a top 10 economy globally."