Exhibitors & Products

Initially developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and brought to market by Mondas GmbH , Mondas is an online IoT platform designed for manufacturers, operators and maintenance companies that want to save costs when maintaining a large number of physically remote energy facilities and utilities. Typical facilities for this are combined heat and power units and solar heating networks, but it is also possible to use Mondas to monitor compressed air systems or refrigeration machines. TGA planners can also use the IoT platform to accelerate the commissioning of planned buildings.

In early May, Mondas received the Freiburg Innovation Award for its platform and a few days later, it added the Smarter E Award for the company’s contribution to an intelligent network for local heating at badenova-Wärmeplus in the Quartier Freiburg-Gutleutmatten . Using Mondas’ IoT platform and AI algorithms from Fraunhofer ISE, operational conditions for the solar systems are monitored in real time and the heating demand predicted. A cooperative supply model makes it possible to reduce heat loss significantly and improve solar output.