New type of steel is set to save 99% of greenhouse gases
The company econsteel from Baden-Württemberg has developed an environmentally friendly type of steel and now intends to develop an appropriate hardening process. If everything falls into place, the saving on greenhouse gases would be enormous.
The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) is convinced: it is supporting the new project of econsteel and this is not the first time that it has collaborated with the company from Rottweil. “Thanks to the ongoing boom in construction and the strong economy, steel is in demand. But manufacturing it consumes a lot of raw materials and energy. A new procedure from the company econsteel may mean an important step forward for environmental protection”, explains Alexander Bonde, General Secretary of the DBU.
In a previous DBU project , econsteel developed and tested a new class of steel material, the production of which requires less energy and fewer raw materials. The intention now is to develop a mechanical process for hardening the surface. If this works, the combination of the new material and mechanical hardening could save just under 99% of greenhouse gases in future, compared to the existing production process. In addition, hardly any waste in the form of chips would be created, which would increase resource efficiency still further.
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