Exhibitors & Products

Photon Laser Manufacturing GmbH, based in Berlin, is one of the leading companies for the development and production of complex lightweight components and assemblies made of steel, stainless steel, and aluminum, as well as innovative hybrid materials. Since its founding in 1998, the Berlin-based company has been continuously working to make mobility more sustainable. With a clear focus on innovative manufacturing processes such as laser beam welding, Photon offers customized solutions that increase energy efficiency and reduce the consumption of resources.

Making rail transport more energy efficient

Photon's activities have recently been expanded to include the AddGleis project, in which the Berlin-based company is working with FSK Maschinenbau, the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT) and the Technical University of Berlin to make rail transport more energy efficient by using innovative lightweight construction techniques. The focus is on combining various additive manufacturing processes and a topology-optimized stiffening structure.

Additive manufacturing techniques are what it's all about

AddGleis relies on three processes that offer geometric flexibility, shorten process chains and are therefore particularly suitable for technological lightweight construction: In addition to plastic FDM printing (3D printing), which enables precise lightweight structures through layer-by-layer material application and flexible shapes, arc spraying is also used. This WAS (Wire Arc Spraying) process is a versatile and efficient coating technique and is used for a metallic intermediate layer. The third technique used in AddGleis is Coldspray, which relies on cold forming without heat, minimizing material changes while creating robust, lightweight components.

Using innovations to ensure continuous improvement

In order to achieve the development goal of a fully automated process chain, the project partners are integrating AI-controlled monitoring of process results for AddGleis. This also serves the goal of more efficient production. The AddGleis project is thus making an important contribution to industrially applicable processes that reduce energy consumption in passenger and freight transport. The project is co-financed by the State of Berlin through the Pro FIT program with funds from the European Regional Development Fund 2021 – 2027.