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The economic storage of electricity is a major problem for the energy transition. One possible solution would be to convert electricity into heat (power to heat) up to 1000 °C, which the Jülich Solar Institute combines with a high-temperature heat storage system. The heat can be converted back into electricity, which was not worthwhile in previous solutions with only 100 °C.

The three-year multiTESS project (thermal electricity storage for the electricity market 2.0) achieves an energy efficiency of over 80%. It can also provide process heat at different temperatures, making it suitable for a variety of industrial applications, as well as for heating and cooling. The use of regenerative fuel, such as with power to gas, would create "the first storage system that never runs dry."

The project has a total volume of around 3.6 million euros, with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) investing just under 1.8 million euros. Industrial partner Otto Junker is developing an electric heater similar to an induction stove with the support of B&S. Dürr Systems , another project partner, is developing the heat accumulator and the company Kraftanlagen München is responsible for the overall plant design.