Exhibitors & Products

Attacks from cyberspace are one of the main reasons why small and medium-size enterprises are skeptical about digitization. The Fraunhofer IOSB-INA and the company RZproducts , a subsidiary of the DATA CENTER GROUP, are now demonstrating how networked production systems and Industry 4.0 applications can be safeguarded in the SmartFactoryOWL research factory in Lemgo, eastern Westphalia.

The starting point in Lemgo is condition monitoring of a sample process, a bulk material sorter. Condition monitoring allows irregularities in production to be identified, for example to save energy or to predict failures and the need for servicing.The data are collected and processed online or on site as an edge solution, while the unprotected operating system of the sorter is sealed off behind a firewall with extended functionality. Communication with the sorter is limited strictly to access by identified remote stations. The data are transmitted in encrypted form in “DC-ITSafe Office Edition” to the server, where the condition monitoring takes place. The safe extends the security concept: it effectively protects the IT against physical dangers such as fire or dust, has 21 assignable height units and an integrated, energy-efficient air-conditioning solution, making unnecessary an external device.