Research & Technology showcases the world of applied research
Lightweight design that promotes energy and resource efficiency. Modular micro-wind turbines that everyone can use to generate sustainable energy. Or a monitoring system with new ways to control production systems and product quality. Where does one encounter such impressive advances? At the world’s most-visited tradeshow for research and development.
"Integrated Industry – Connect & Collaborate" is the lead theme of HANNOVER MESSE 2018. Industrie 4.0 has reached the next stage of the digital transformation of industry. Now we will see, for example, how automation technology, intralogistics and artificial intelligence work together.
But who develops such technologies further? And who drives the next wave of decisive innovations? It is the researchers, scientists and developers that visitors meet at the Research & Technology area of HANNOVER MESSE.
Research & Technology in Hall 2 is the international showcase for research, development and technology transfer. Applied research for sectors such as automation, energy, logistics, and mobility takes center stage together with cross-industry research like adaptronics, bionics and materials.
"Research & Technology is surrounded by HANNOVER MESSE's other display categories – automation and drive technology, industrial software and IT, integrated energy systems and smart supply and lightweight design – and thus gives a unique look at the interplay between all industry sectors," said Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Global Director Research & Technology, Deutsche Messe AG.
Hot topics for 2018 include digitalization, adaptronics, bionics, bio-economics, and organic electronics. Adaptronics is an adaptive structure technology that combines conventional structures with materials systems to enhance classical load-bearing and form-defining functions with sensory and actuator functionality.
Most synthetic materials are still petroleum-based. Bio-economics strives to reduce this dependence by using renewable raw materials. Such bio-based products and processes include building materials, CO2-neutral concepts for automobile production and mobility, adhesives, composites, and polymers.
Organic electronics replaces inorganic materials with organic ones to improve products such as illuminants, photovoltaics, printed electronics, batteries, and specific parts. An example: Converting light into electrical current (photovoltaics) and vice versa (light-emitting diodes).
In 2017, roughly 400 exhibiting companies presented more than 1,500 new products, concepts and projects to 55,000 visitors, 31 percent of whom came from outside of Germany. The majority of visitors represented the manufacturing industry, while others came from the energy and trade sectors as well as government organizations and public authorities. Visitors and exhibitors profit from a range of special events at Research & Technology, including the opening gala Night of Innovations, the tech transfer forum and the SCIENCE|SQUARE forum for research and applied science.
"Research & Technology bundles four core benefits in one exhibit hall: proximity to industry, innovation, networking, and knowledge transfer," explained Wedell-Castellano. "That means direct access to all sectors of the world's leading tradeshow for industrial technology; a complete overview of the research landscape; an outstanding meeting point for industry peers, scientists, politicians, and investors; and professional services for marketing, licensing, patent law, etc."
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