Researchers design lightweight components for industrial applications
For over three years now a research association has worked on new technologies in the area of mass lightweight construction for automotive technologies. The results should find their way into industrial applications starting in 2019.
Researchers from ten institutes joined forces as part of the “Innovation network for technological advancement in component, process and material design for mass-formed automotive components,” focusing on new steel and steel hybrid solutions for lightweight chassis and drive train construction. As the Research Association for Steel Application (FOSTA) reports , the research yielded material concepts and production techniques for high-performance gear wheels and innovative piston pins, among others. All projects took resource efficiency and the carbon footprint into consideration, as well as practical implementation: Over 60 companies worked in close collaboration with the scientists. The final reports are expected to be available in early 2019.
The Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) also supports cross-technology networking in the industry with its Lightweight Construction Initiative . A dedicated office is now the place to go for businesses, researchers and politicians. Among other things, it will provide companies with recommendations for action and best-practice examples.
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