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Despite the planned merger with the French TGV manufacturer Alstom , Siemens is once again presenting a new model from its ICE series. According to a report by the Handelsblatt newspaper , the Velaro Novo , which will operate under the name ICE 3 (407 Series) at Deutsche Bahn, is expected to reach speeds of up to 360 km/h. Thanks to its lightweight design, it should be around 15% lighter than its predecessor as well as using 30% less energy at a speed of 300 km/h. Siemens engineers also managed to increase the available space for passengers by 10%.

The development of the Velaro Novo began in back in 2013, with delivery scheduled for 2023. The company plans to present the train to the general public at InnoTrans in Berlin this September. According to Siemens, more than 1,000 Velaro trains are currently in use, with the exception of Germany, Belgium, China, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, Spain and Turkey.