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Then harness it all to a common vision and focus it on a new product while keeping a close eye on the costs. That’s entrepreneurship – something that every company aspires to. But how to get from aspiration to realization? Increasingly, the answer to this question is exemplified by startups, many of which weave their magic at the interface between the real and virtual worlds and win new customers with individualized products. The startup scene made a big splash at this year’s HANNOVER MESSE – particularly at the Research & Technology show – and will again feature strongly at HANNOVER MESSE 2015.

Staged as part of the Research & Technology show’s "tech transfer – Gateway2 innovation" showcase, the group pavilion brought together seven startup networks: Fraunhofer Venture, the Helmholtz Association, the Leibniz Association’s tech transfer unit, Vienna University of Technology, the venture capital firm High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), Northern Bavaria’s netzwerk nordbayern, and the Munich-based startup mentoring firm evobis. They used the pavilion to outline and explain the various ways in which they support their startups. The assistance offered includes advice on initial company formation, funding support, securing the liquidity to realize ideas, and managing equity investments. It also includes help with transferring ideas from research to industry so that they can be turned into finished products. Representatives of 40 startup companies participated at the pavilion alongside their network organizers and initiators. They gave a series of individual presentations in which they drew on their own experiences to give other budding entrepreneurs a number of valuable pointers. They also used the platform to expand their networks and make contact with potential customers and investors.

The world needs innovative technologies in order to make its energy systems more sustainable and to fully realize the efficiencies offered by the fourth industrial revolution. This calls for creativity and fresh thinking – qualities that startups have in abundance. And that is why, in 2015, HANNOVER MESSE will again put a strong emphasis on startups. The main hub of the fair’s startup activities will once again be the Research & Technology show in Hall 2, which will feature around eight networks. Startups and young, innovative companies will also be an important part of HANNOVER MESSE’s other trade shows.
