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According to data from the Federal Statistical Office , 39.6 billion kilowatt hours of electricity were generated by wind turbines and fed into the grid in Germany in the first quarter of 2019. This constitutes an increase of 23.2% over the same quarter last year. Wind power thus contributed 26.5% to the German electricity mix. This is more than twice as much as nuclear power (13.2%). As the Federal Office points out, however, the increase is solely attributable to the weather conditions in the first quarter: strong wind and high wind speeds. The number of wind turbines (about 30,000) was similar to last year.

No major increases are to be expected in the next few years either. The International Economic Forum for Renewable Energies evaluated the market master data register of the German Federal Network Agency and found out that only 60 new wind turbines were commissioned in Germany in the first five months of 2019 while the figure was 740 for 2018. According to Patrick Graichen of the think tank Agora Energiewende , the collapse is mainly due to the fact that the federal states no longer designate areas and new permits are issued very slowly.