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In their joint project “KleVer” (cost-saving adhesive-based interconnection technology for high-efficiency solar cells), the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and Freiberg-based systems manufacturer teamtechnik have developed adhesive technology for connecting high-efficiency solar cells that is now ready for market. The project team have reported that their adhesive technology is now ready for industrial use as a sound alternative to soft soldering interconnection technology: Solar cells, as full or half cells with three, four, or five busbars, can be connected to a stringer with an adhesive unit, using electrically conductive adhesives at a throughput of approx. 1,600 cells per hour.

The advantage of the new technology is the process temperatures: At under 180 °C, they are considerably lower than soldering temperatures, which means that temperature-sensitive high-efficiency solar cells can also be joined using adhesives in a gentle and material-saving process. The reliability of the adhesive connection was verified in tests carried out in a climate chamber.