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Across all industries, company sizes and regions, companies in Germany currently see more risks than opportunities in the energy transition . For the first time since 2014, their rating has fallen from the previous year. Of the industrial companies surveyed, 38% rated the energy transition negatively, with only 17% saying that they could benefit from it. Reasons include higher oil and gas prices and uncertainties surrounding smart meter rollout and the legal framework for storage and electric mobility.

The survey also reveals, however, that the percentage of companies with their own energy supply systems is increasing. In this respect, 43% are already active. Another 5% already have power storage, while 13% plan to purchase. From the answers of the enterprises three requirements emerge: The electricity costs would have to be lowered, the energy transition coordinated, and the grid expansion accelerated.

In its sixth monitoring report on the energy transition, the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) sets similar goals: In addition to faster grid expansion, this also includes better synchronization of renewable energies and grid capacities as well as the modernization and optimization of existing networks.