The first European battery project is ready to launch
The European Commission has approved the first European project for producing battery cells. Within this framework, companies from seven EU states will receive financial support to extend battery value-added chains in Europe.
Germany, France, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Poland and Sweden are the countries participating in the first approved European large-scale project for battery cell production . The companies involved include BASF (battery materials), the BMW Group (further development of cell materials and production process), Umicore (battery recycling), Varta (lithium-ion technology), and Opel: The carmakers are planning to open a battery cell production site at the Kaiserslautern location in a joint venture with the parent company PSA and the French battery manufacturer Saft. The foundations for a pilot system in France will be laid at the start of 2020. Battery cells should also be under production on an industrial scale in Germany by the mid-2020s at the latest.
The project is one of two “Important Projects of Common European Interest” (IPCEI) for battery cell innovation, which will cover the value-added chain of the raw materials via cell production right through to recycling. The second group of companies was submitted to the European Commission for pre-notification in November 2019. Companies and research facilities from 11 EU states are participating.
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