Exhibitors & Products

"In a time of crises, innovations are more urgently needed than ever," explains the President of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Professor Holger Hanselka. "KIT scientists are rising to this challenge. They are taking responsibility and making significant contributions to resource- and climate-friendly energy supply, mobility, industry and digitalisation." The concepts and projects presented at HANNOVER MESSE 2023 are intended to show that KIT, with its interdisciplinary research, is excellently positioned for the tasks of the present and the future. The venue for the presentation is the "Future Hub" in Hall 2, where KIT and the FZI Research Centre for Information Technology, an innovation partner of KIT, will present their projects at a joint stand (B45).

Optical filters from the inkjet printer: IJPOFs

Whether machine vision, AR and VR technologies, autonomous driving, medical inspection or laser material processing: many applications require optical filters that block or amplify a certain part of the spectrum. Inkjet Printed Optical Filters (IJPOFs) are designed to reduce manufacturing costs and increase customisation flexibility. Inkjet printing simplifies manufacturing in the desired locations, sizes and properties.

Software-based process enablement for industrial robots: SDMBot

Software-based process enablement for industrial robots requires simulation tools that model the manufacturing process in a virtual environment. This includes robots, tools and materials. For the open software tools presented, robot simulations were extended to include process models such as milling, welding and painting. The simulation enables problems and weak points to be rectified in advance and thus improves the quality of the final process.

New mobility solutions with AI: FLOOW

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to create energy-efficient and safety-conscious new solutions for the mobility of people and goods. This primarily concerns the robust and precise localisation of mobility systems, generalised environment recognition and manoeuvre planning on specialised hardware. The FLOOW project is presented jointly by KIT and the FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, an innovation partner of KIT. Project partners are the Munich navigation specialists ANAVS and the automotive supplier SCHAEFFLER.

Research to Business - further KIT technology offers

At the booth in the "Future Hub", the KIT technology exchange will be represented with 42 further offers. It shows KIT innovations from which marketable products and processes can be developed. In addition, there is another KIT stand at stand C70 in hall 13 with "Energy Solutions", which is about, among other things, intelligently networked experimental fields for the energy systems of the future.
