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The participants want to enable a trusting exchange and joint use of data along industrial value chains. This will pave the way for new digital solutions and business models, for example for supply chain monitoring, smart production or closed product cycles. At the same time, all participating companies in the network should retain sovereignty over their own data.

Therefore, a uniform system architecture with common and interoperable solutions is needed, which can be co-designed by all participants according to open source rules. The funding measure builds on projects such as Catena-X for the automotive industry. What is needed now are application-oriented project ideas that are relevant to many industrial sectors. Industrial supply chains also include numerous medium-sized companies and international partners. "Manufacturing-X" should therefore be open to medium-sized companies and international partners right from the start.

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) is funding the development of this cross-sector digital ecosystem for data exchange for industry with up to 150 million euros. The aim of this funding program is to take data-based collaboration between industrial companies in industrial value networks a step forward and thus contribute to a more competitive and sustainable industry. Interested consortia can now apply for funding and submit their project outlines.