The road to the Smart Service World
Intelligent services for manufacturing and mobility characterize Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
How can one make "traditional" manufacturing plants Industrie 4.0-compatable? OpenServ4P is addressing this key problem for SMEs. At Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy's (BMWi) digitalization stand in Hall 2 (Stand C28) this association project’s partners showcase the advantages that open and intelligent services can bring to manufacturing. The goal of the research project is a platform for internet-based services for cyber-physical manufacturing systems. It is based on nearly simultaneous processing of sensor events for manufacturing plants and providing real time information before quality issues and process defects happen. At the BMWi stand, the OpenServ4P partners showcase how intelligent services can provide such services using a cloud platform. Predictive quality and risk management in manufacturing difficult injection molded components as examples of use.
OpenServ4P is one of 20 projects subsidized in the BMWi’s Smart Service World program. The ministry is supporting the development of intelligent services that are created by evaluating and linking data from mobile end devices, machines, and devices. The projects develop prototypical solutions that collect and analyze data based on integrated, intelligent technical systems. The new services will be made available via service platforms, app stores, and other online market places. According to the BMWi, smart services are "not only exciting for production, but also for all digitally integrated industrial sectors such as logistics, the energy industry, health care, and mobility." In addition, the accompanying research handles key issues in law, and standardization. Secure platform architecture, digital business models, and platform economy are components of OpenServ4P.
Frauenhofer IEM from Paderborn provides another exciting insight into the service world of tomorrow at the BMWi stand. Its AcRoSS project will help smaller companies, such as those in construction, efficiently use augmented reality services with platform-based approaches.
The StreetProbe project, in which BOSCH and the TU Berlin among others are participating, demonstrates one way to improve roads. When the grant project ends, it will have developed an economic, efficient system to detect road surface damage. Vehicles which automatically record road damage will help reduce maintenance costs and investments in the road network, improve the performance and security of streets, and raise the comfort and satisfaction of road users.
Other topics at the BMWi stand include Industrie 4.0, energy efficiency, mobility, and shipbuilding. In addition to numerous exhibits, trade show visitors can anticipate comprehensive consulting services for research and innovation support ranging from energy efficiency and industrial property rights to company formation consulting and skilled worker retention ("Make it in Germany").
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