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From smartphones to computers and cars: almost all modern technologies are based on powerful microchips. Domestic production is significantly outpaced by demand. Leading semiconductor manufacturers are mainly based in Asia and North America, and supply microchips to producers worldwide. In order to advance production in Europe and further strengthen Germany as a location for innovation in chip design, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) has now approved the establishment of the virtual Karlsruhe Chipdesign House (KCH) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). This is to be built on the southern campus of the KIT by 2027. A new master's program is also planned.

Thanks to its expertise, the KIT is the right location.

"The demand for powerful and efficient chips for the digital transformation continues to grow," explains Professor Mehdi B. Tahoori from the KIT Institute for Technical Informatics. "Most of the revenue in this area is generated by chip giants outside of Europe. Particularly in the energy crisis, when we had to shut down our production due to electricity costs, our heavy reliance on imports became apparent, for example in the case of silicon chips produced in Asia." And Professor Oliver Kraft, representing the President, adds: "There is an urgent need to promote production and its development opportunities in Europe in order to reduce critical global dependencies and to secure the digital sovereignty of Germany and Europe. The KCH combines cutting-edge research in the field of chip design. With its expertise, KIT is the right location for this."

New course of study for future specialists

With the planned KIT Chipdesign House (KCH), the KIT aims to take a leading role in coordinating chip design in Baden-Württemberg and beyond. The focus is on comprehensive training for chip design specialists. "At KCH, we want to work with partners to develop an interdisciplinary master's program in chip design," says Professor Jürgen Becker from the Institute for Information Processing Technology at KIT. "In addition to practice-oriented lectures, this should also offer workshops and events with experts from industry, providing comprehensive training for future specialists and managers."

Strengthening the chip design ecosystem in Germany

The Regulation on the European Chips Act 2023 was adopted as a package of measures to strengthen the semiconductor ecosystem in the EU. "The European Chips Act aims to promote semiconductor production and development opportunities in Europe," explains Becker. "Within this Chips Act, we want to specifically bundle and expand competencies and networks. Close interaction with industry is an important building block here, including the targeted expansion of interdisciplinary training and continuing education in chip design at KIT." The MWK is funding the KIT Chipdesign House in the funding initiative BEGIN (stands for: participation in large-scale European projects and initiatives) with around one million euros until 2027.
