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Organic panels have not yet taken hold because there is no reliable process and component control. For production of components, the organic sheets must first be heated up. When they are then pressed, the glass fibers in the material are displaced. But for the component to remain stable in the long term, the fibers must be aligned correctly. In order to offer some control in this context, Prof. Peter Haring Bolívar, Project Leader in the Center for Sensor Systems (ZESS) at the University of Siegen, and his team are working with industry partners on an analysis system : it is intended to display changes in the material during forming itself.

For this, the researchers are planning to use impulse thermography, on the one hand, to search for faults with a type of heat imaging camera. A 3D terahertz imaging system, on the other hand, should allow deeper analysis of defects. At the same time, a second team at the University of Siegen is tasked with examining which kinds of displacement of the glass fibers in the organic sheets are problematic and relevant in the first place.