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In its position paper “Technological Sovereignty” , the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) states that Germany industry has a lot of catching up to do: greater commitment by business and politics is needed in order to play a leading role in shaping the digital transition. Only by significantly increasing investments in key technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), microelectronics and software can Germany continue with its international leadership role.

The association recommends reforming existing training and advanced training concepts while calling for an intensification of research. Although Germany has more “hidden champions” than other countries, it risks losing technological sovereignty if no additional measures are taken. As the VDE sees it, Germany must establish a competitive European chip industry to reduce its dependence on imports from China and the USA. This renaissance of European semiconductor manufacturing is set to begin: for example, Bosch in Dresden is working on expanding the chip factory of the future.