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Since 2017 , Volkswagen has been working with Munich-based VR studio Innoactive to train its own staff in virtual reality sessions using HTC VR headsets. Now, Road to VR reports , the automotive manufacturer has announced at the Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona that it wants to train up to 10,000 workers over the coming year with this modern resource. Plans include a total of 30 different training simulations in production and logistics, which have been specially optimized for the recently unveiled professional version of HTC’s Vive system .

Volkswagen hopes that the approach will save time and money in the medium term. The Innoactive software transports employees to a virtual workspace where individual production steps can be simulated and modified on reproductions of the actual machinery used. This solution could also soon be available to other industrial enterprises: a revised version of the program is expected to be released this year with Innoactive Workspaces . Interested companies can already sign up for the beta test for evaluation purposes.