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This is the conclusion of a study by the University of Freiburg . Researchers developed a new three-dimensional model and used the number of new installations in 2017 as the basis for calculating the usable wind energy. If the values remain constant until 2030, it will apparently be possible to cover 40% of electricity consumption by wind energy. In particular, "repowering", the replacement of old and small turbines with new and large turbines, will allow yield increases of up to several 100%. This will nevertheless not suffice to achieve the German Federal Government's ambitious expansion goals. In addition to the renovating many of the 30,000 wind turbines, another 6,000 more would have to be installed.

According to the researchers, their model helps prevent a disproportionate concentration of turbines in certain regions and keeps the number of new turbines as low as possible. "This minimizes impact on the landscape while taking nature conservation into account," says Dr. Dirk Schindler, who conducted the study together with Christopher Jung.

According to the German Wind Energy Association, the 29,844 wind turbines achieved 56,154 megawatts of installed capacity last year. Their net share of German electricity production was 18.8%. A total of around 60 billion euros was invested in the construction of new wind turbines between 2008 and 2017.