Forum tech transfer connects science and industry
Research drives innovation in industry. But when is a product market-ready? What is the best way to sell it? How do you protect intellectual property? Visitors find answers to these questions at the forum "tech transfer" at HANNOVER MESSE.
Hannover. The forum tech transfer in Hall 2 serves as the dialog platform connecting science and industry from 24 to 28 April at HANNOVER MESSE. The central forum at Research & Technology is surrounded by exhibits and supported by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), NBank (the investment and funding bank of Lower Saxony) and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
tech transfer provides a fully-day lecture program on all days of the fair, highlighting a broad range of current scientific projects that are ripe for commercial application. For example, the Fraunhofer Network "MATERIALS" presents its initiative "Industrial Data Space", a virtual data room in which companies can securely network with one another via standardized interfaces while maintaining complete sovereignty over their data.
The lecture "The Memory of the Crime Weapon" looks at the discipline molecular ballistics – the molecular biological analysis of gunshot residue, reconstruction of crime scenes and the final resolution of cases. The session "People Process Places – Industrial Performance in a Mobile World" is about infrastructure and mobility in industry. Additional topics include digital transformation, online learning, work in the future, innovation promotion for SMEs, NANO in industry, and bionics in the field.
Special events such as the Day of Idea and Innovation Managers, the Technology Cooperation Days and the presentation of the top five nominees for the HERMES AWARD enhance the lectures. On Monday, the Night of Innovations – the traditional networking event for science, industry and politics – begins at the forum. The newly structured evening program consists of a welcome from Germany’s federal minister for education and research, Dr. Johanna Wanka, a discussion panel about 70 years of innovation, a guided tour through Hall 2, and the subsequent reception.
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