Exhibitors & Products

The wait is over
The Hirschmann switches exhibited by Belden Inc. at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 showed for the first time that "TSN Ready" devices are already a reality. In four different demonstrators, the switches enabled transparent, real-time data communication from control level right through to field level.

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of standards that, thanks to low transmission latency and high availability, facilitate real-time control streams in converged Ethernet networks. Applications include control systems for autonomous vehicles and industrial plants. Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH, a subsidiary of Belden Inc., used this year's HANNOVER MESSE to show that switches supporting TSN are already a viable and practical option. Prototypes of TSN-enabled Hirschmann RSPE35 switches that support this open, real-time Ethernet technology were successfully showcased by the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the OPC Foundation, Sercos International and SmartFactoryKL in several different demonstrators.

The centerpiece of each of these demonstrators was TSN-protected industrial communication at Fast and Gigabit Ethernet speeds. At the IIC and OPC Foundation stands, visitors had the chance to see how multiple independent TSN real-time streams were transmitted between Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) over the same network infrastructure, without being impacted by other traffic types such as camera data. Meanwhile, the Sercos International and SmartFactoryKL demonstrators highlighted a migration path that allows existing real-time Ethernet solutions such as Sercos III to be integrated into a TSN-enabled infrastructure in order to make use of the scalable bandwidth and flexible topology of an Ethernet-based network. Switches from Hirschmann with a "TSN Ready" logo will be available later this year and can be retrofitted for this technology with a free software update.

Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH (72654 Neckartenzlingen, Germany), Hall 8, Stand D20, co-exhibitor with SmartFactory-KL technology initiative
Contact: Berry Medendorp
Tel: +31 77 387 8555
E-Mail: berry.medendorp@belden.com

Out of this world!
At HANNOVER MESSE 2017, Bielefeld-based Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH demonstrated just what's possible when innovative bonding technology meets flexible robotics.

Founded in 1877 and now in the hands of the fourth generation of Böllhoffs to run it, the family company has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers and retailers of fastening elements and processing systems. Specialties include ONSERT technology - an innovative fastening system developed in collaboration with Bavarian company DELO, a proven expert in bonding technology. Based on light-curing adhesives, this technology joins fasteners quickly and with absolute process reliability. At HANNOVER MESSE 2017, Böllhoff premiered its ONSERT bonding technology with the help of a collaborative robot.

The high tempo set by this combination during the various demonstrations at the trade show often left the audience incredulous. The light-curing adhesive was applied to the fastening element picked up and held out by the robot. The element was then positioned on the surface provided and immediately underwent light curing. Having being exposed for just a second or so, the ONSERT fastener had already achieved its final strength and was ready for further processing.

Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH (33649 Bielefeld, Germany), Hall 16, Stand A04, co-exhibitor with OWL Maschinenbau
Contact: Annette Löwen
Tel.: +49 521 4482-05
E-Mail: presse@boellhoff.com

A truck that delivers the future! And brings it straight to you, too!
The BMBF's InnoTruck was unveiled at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 and has since been taking its mobile innovation experience on tour in Germany - with great success. Local authorities, schools and companies may want to take special note that the InnoTruck can be ordered free of charge for events.

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has developed the InnoTruck as a way to kick-start a public dialog about the impact of innovation on society. "The InnoTruck shows us today what our life in the future could look like," explained Federal Minister Johanna Wanka at the launch of the InnoTruck initiative at HANNOVER MESSE 2017. "It is an exciting way of explaining new developments in science and research and sparking a fact-based dialog about how our world is changing." The InnoTruck is designed to facilitate direct access to scientific discoveries and technical developments.

Featuring around 100 square meters of mobile exhibition space, the InnoTruck is a fascinating venue for an exciting journey of discovery that takes in everything from research and technology to applications, career profiles and how to get involved. As you'd expect, besides offering a lot to look at, the InnoTruck also encourages everyone to get hands-on, too, and try out exhibits for themselves. "I am certain a great many people will find it an exciting and educational window on how the future could look. Visitors can look forward to a state-of-the-art exhibition and an adventurous, hands-on tour with a varied program of events," said Wanka at HANNOVER MESSE 2017, speaking after the inaugural tour of the InnoTruck.

Local authorities, schools, colleges, universities, companies, research institutions and many other organizations can submit a request for the InnoTruck to attend their own events - free of charge. An inquiry form for requesting specific dates and other information online is available at www.innotruck.de. The InnoTruck team from the BMBF is also happy to help interested parties find out more about a wider supporting program. For example, special tours and workshops are available for school groups.

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (10117 Berlin, Germany), open-air site, in front of the southern façade of Hall 2, Stand B147
Contact: Dr. Andreas Jungbluth
Tel.: +49 9126 275 239
E-Mail: andreas.jungbluth@flad.de

Could Berlin soon run for one hour on a battery?
EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of Oldenburg-based energy supplier EWE, is planning to build the world's biggest battery. This ambitious project promises sufficient storage capacity to power a city of millions, such as Berlin, for one hour.

The brine4power (b4p) project is based on the principle of redox flow batteries, as previously showcased at HANNOVER MESSE. The idea is to use new environmentally friendly components to store electrical energy in a liquid in underground salt caverns that were previously used to hold natural gas. EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH has teamed up with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, whose scientists have developed groundbreaking components that use salt water and recyclable polymers (plastics), to help make the brine4power concept a successful reality.

"We still have to complete a number of tests and answer a whole lot of questions before we can use the storage principle demonstrated by the University of Jena in underground caverns," says Ralf Riekenberg, head of the brine4power project. "But I expect we will be able to have a cavern battery up and running by around the end of 2023." Peter Schmidt, Managing Director of EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH, adds: "If it all works, this has the potential to completely shake up the storage and base energy markets. The medium contained in these two medium-sized caverns could hold enough electricity to power a city of millions, such as Berlin, for one hour. This would make our battery the largest in the world. And in contrast to other energy storage methods, which convert electricity into other energy carriers - compressed air, for example - brine4power stores electricity itself." The forthcoming HANNOVER MESSE in April 2018 will provide a great opportunity to find out how the project's progressing. After all, many of the partners involved are well-established exhibitors who will be returning again when the world’s largest and most important industrial and largest capital goods trade fair re-opens its gates.

EWE Vertrieb GmbH (26123 Oldenburg, Germany), Hall 27, Stand L28
Contact: Dietmar Bücker
Tel.: +49 441 4805-1812
E-Mail: dietmar.buecker@ewe.de

50,000-euro hack remains firmly uncracked
WIBU-SYSTEMS AG ran a hacker competition with a 50,000-euro prize for HANNOVER MESSE 2017 - but not one of the international contestants succeeded in cracking the new Blurry Box's code.

WIBU-SYSTEMS AG ran a hacker competition during HANNOVER MESSE 2017 to showcase the new Blurry Box's encryption technology and prove its reliability. After all, only encryption that can be demonstrated to be secure meets industry’s requirements for the increase in networking resulting from Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things. And it delivered the proof with aplomb by beating off all comers of all nationalities, who failed to break through the new software protection technology.

WIBU-SYSTEMS AG says that hundreds of hopefuls from all over the world struggled for three weeks to penetrate the Blurry Box software shield around a computer game, but to no avail. Although two challengers submitted respectable attempts to the independent panel of judges made up of leading IT security experts from the Horst Görtz Institute (HGI) and the Institute for Internet Security - if(is), none managed to hack the software protection. The panel therefore decided that the 50,000-euro prize money was not earned, but awarded the two best contestants 1,000 euros each in recognition of their worthy attempts. The remainder will now be invested in further research and development activities.

The Blurry Box software shield, which was co-developed by the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (KASTEL) at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), the FZI Research Center for Information Technology and WIBU-SYSTEMS AG, already won the German IT Security Prize in 2014. Following its integration into CodeMeter - the renowned universal technology for software publishers, device manufacturers and mechanical and plant engineers on which WIBU-SYSTEMS bases all its solutions - Blurry Box has now publicly proved its credentials by winning this contest. “The Internet is a kind of digital battlefield nowadays,” explains Oliver Winzenried, the CEO and founder of WIBU-SYSTEMS. "Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things call for the best protective mechanisms. I consider it our mission to safeguard the key values in companies and our private lives." Prof. Norbert Pohlmann, Director of the Institute for Internet Security - if(is) and one of the judges, adds: "I think it's a great idea for manufacturers to publicly challenge people to 'hack' their products, as this helps make security more transparent and establishes trust. This contest was also a very good opportunity for the 'hackers' to learn about IT security."

WIBU-SYSTEMS AG (76137 Karlsruhe, Germany), Hall 8, Stand D05
Contact: Elke Spiegelhalter
Tel.: +49 721 93172-11
E-Mail: elke.spiegelhalter@wibu.com

Young and hungry for success? Head for Hannover!
HANNOVER MESSE is a great place for new companies, and statmath GmbH clearly knows this. This year marked the Siegen-based startup's first appearance at an international trade fair - the perfect opportunity to showcase the new version of its energysim price calculator.

statmath GmbH describes its innovation in a somewhat cryptic way - it stems from the increasing demand for professional advice and support when analyzing large and almost unmanageable data volumes and solving complex mathematical problems. If that all sounds rather abstract, the company's appearance at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 made things clear very quickly. Exhibiting at the North Rhine-Westphalia region's pavilion for its Ministry of Climate Change, the Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection, the Siegen-based startup showcased the new 1.1 version of its energysim price calculator - a practical online application for price transparency and energy advice.

The new version of the energysim price calculator comes with many improvements and new features, as well as a transparent and intuitive cost structure. What’s more, statmath GmbH has reported that HANNOVER MESSE 2017 served as an excellent opportunity to establish new German and international contacts. These discussions also generated a number of new ideas for enhancing the energysim price calculator. The company is just as excited about implementing these ideas as it is about the extensive positive feedback the application received at HANNOVER MESSE 2017.

The young entrepreneurs at statmath GmbH were also delighted to take part in and showcase energysim at the Young Tech Enterprises forum, the exhibition area for startups at HANNOVER MESSE. This provided the chance to underscore one of the key messages behind the idea for the application: the fact that uncertainty in companies' electricity requirements, fluctuations in electricity prices, and ongoing changes in electricity generation as a result of the development of renewable capacities in line with Germany’s renewable energy laws all create a major risk factor for energy providers and businesses. As a result, statmath GmbH sees it is as absolutely crucial for all market players to use suitable models to support risk management decisions.

With statmath GmbH also taking part in a Young Tech Enterprises startup pitch to promote their products and ideas to a large international audience, the young entrepreneurs feel that their first appearance at an international trade fair has been a huge success, and have confirmed on their website that they are preparing for HANNOVER MESSE 2018 already.

statmath GmbH (57072 Siegen, Germany), Hall 3, Stand B10
Topic: Young Tech Enterprises - industrial startups, spinoffs and young entrepreneurs, co-exhibitor with the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of the Environment
Contact: Vanessa Zimny
Tel.: +49 271 23868630
E-Mail: zimny@statmath.de

Blockchain technology shackles would-be product pirates
After SAMPL stole the show at HANNOVER MESSE 2017, IT specialists at Ulm University and their partners in industry and research are working together on a new model for digital rights administration in 3D printing based on blockchain technology.

There's no doubting that the future lies in 3D printing - and it was everywhere you looked at HANNOVER MESSE 2017. But so were warnings of the risks attached to additive manufacturing processes, such as the potential for unauthorized replicas. The response of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) has been to sponsor a project called SAMPL (Secure Additive Manufacturing Platform) to the tune of 2.6 million euros for three years. Besides Ulm University and PROSTEP AG, experts are also involved from the University of Hamburg, Hamburg University of Technology, the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems (ENAS), NXP Semiconductors GmbH, consider it GmbH and industrial 3D printer supplier 3D Microprint GmbH and associate partner AIRBUS Operation GmbH. Their aim now is to develop a model for digital rights administration based on the kind of blockchain technology used for Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

The research group has succeeded in fusing the two well-known processes of 3D printing and the blockchain concept to form an end-to-end security chain for additive manufacturing processes. Felix Engelmann and Henning Kopp, assistant lecturers at Ulm University's Institute of Distributed Systems, explain what the group hopes to achieve: "We want to use blockchain to mediate between designers, printing service providers and end customers and thus make license management more secure - from the creation of the printing data and sharing it with service providers right through to labeling the workpieces, for example with RFID chips." Partner company PROSTEP is supplying the SAMPL project with a data exchange solution that is to incorporate blockchain license management. The team in charge of demonstrating SAMPL at HANNOVER MESSE reported that the concept, which ensures the authenticity of product data during the 3D printing process, went down a storm. "We already know that the basic concept works, but we still have to minimize the areas exposed to attack," says Professor Frank Kargl, the Director of the Institute of Distributed Systems who specializes in security and privacy. He also explains that they have to take care that one of the concept’s strengths - its transparency - does not become its Achilles heel. After all, not all designers want their competitors to see which spare parts they are ordering, for example. The SAMPL research group is therefore now working on developing a prudent means of anonymizing information as part of the blockchain concept. This new process should be ready for the market in as little as around two years, so if you’re planning to attend HANNOVER MESSE 2019, keep your eyes peeled!

Ulm University – Dept. I-1 Research and Technology Transfer (89081 Ulm, Germany), Hall 2, Stand A18, co-exhibitor with Baden-Württemberg International
Contact: Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl
Tel.: +49 731 50-24141
E-Mail: frank.kargl@uni-ulm.de

A great start at HANNOVER MESSE
HANNOVER MESSE 2017 marked the first time that the two Steinfeld-based companies Burwinkel Kunststoffwerk GmbH and Brinkmann Formenbau GmbH have exhibited at a joint stand, with successful premières including the new standard collection of "LONACAP plastic protection elements".

"2 COMPANIES, 2 PROFESSIONALS and 1 TEAM" - this was the perfect choice of slogan for what both companies reported to be a highly successful joint appearance in Hannover this year. As well as presenting technical plastic injection-molded parts and the Lids & Containers range to visitors from all over the world at HANNOVER MESSE 2017, Burwinkel Kunststoffwerk GmbH and Brinkmann Formenbau GmbH also showcased the new standard collection of "LONACAP plastic protection elements", an already extensive but still expanding series of products designed to protect against dirt, contamination and damage in a wide variety of applications.

Both companies reported that the multi-component technology generated a great deal of interest among the large international audience, as did the customer-specific protection element solutions and the option of using high performance materials. Many promising discussions were held, including several in conjunction with the mold engineering specialists at Brinkmann, allowing visitors to watch demonstrations of efficient, quick-application concepts for mold making and prototypes for themselves. HANNOVER MESSE 2017 thus proved to be the perfect opportunity to show an international audience how cutting-edge computer programs can be used to create the ideal molds for manufacturing tailor-made elements.

Burwinkel Kunststoffwerk GmbH (49439 Steinfeld, Germany), Hall 6, Stand A29
Contact: Mehmet Tarti
Tel.: +49 5492 966761
E-Mail: info@burwinkel-kunststoffe.de

Doing by learning
At HANNOVER MESSE 2017, Universal Robots - market leader in collaborative robotics - didn't just unveil all-in-one solutions developed with integration partners. Its Universal Robots Academy, a new online training platform, also made its trade fair premiere.

The presentation by Munich-based Universal Robots GmbH at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 had never before been so practice-based. In conjunction with four integration partners, the market leader in collaborative robotics used its stand to offer an in-depth look at the wide range of potential applications for the UR3, UR5 and UR10 robot arms. The new trade fair concept aimed in particular to show end customers how easily and cost-efficiently the flexible lightweight robots can now be integrated - not least through the Universal Robots Academy online training program, which was premiered at HANNOVER MESSE 2017.

The free Universal Robots Academy training platform with unlimited access will also help less experienced employees start up and program 'cobots' thanks to its well structured and easy to understand content. This will further reduce the time and costs involved in integrating automation solutions. "As a pioneer in collaborative robotics, our products have been firmly established on the market for a number of years," explains Helmut Schmid, Managing Partner and General Manager Western Europe at Universal Robots. "Our trade fair visitors are now therefore no longer interested simply in our basic product. They come to us with specific aims and requests for applications." The rapid progress of Industry 4.0 isn't just putting the focus back on the age-old method of "learning by doing", which probably dates back to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, but is turning it on its head to create "doing by learning".

Universal Robots GmbH (81379 Munich, Germany), Hall 17, Stand C26
Contact: Helmut Schmid
Tel.: +49 89 1218 972-0
E-Mail: ur.we@universal-robots.com

Leaving spies out in the cold
The Industrial Internet Consortium joined forces with GMO GlobalSign and the Industry 4.0 platform at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 to demonstrate how communication can be made secure in multi-vendor and distributed manufacturing environments.

The days when industrial and production companies only had to worry about security at their actual sites are long gone. In the era of Industry 4.0, companies are increasingly managing interwoven physical components and cybersystems in a value chain involving continuous sharing of data with external elements of this chain. The range of systems from a variety of manufacturers makes this an extremely complex matter. To demonstrate how disparate systems can communicate and nevertheless still share data about existing products and technologies securely, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) - in conjunction with GMO GlobalSign Inc. and the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) platform - took the opportunity at HANNOVER MESSE in spring 2017 to initiate the simulation of a heterogeneous security environment in which products from over twenty different companies can communicate with each other.

The solution to this data sharing problem is a public key infrastructure (PKI), a method that has already proven itself in other applications over many years. The provision of PKI-based identities in the form of X.509 certificates for the various components in the value chain ensures that the data always comes from an authorized and therefore trustworthy source. The encrypted data is also protected from being altered in transit, thus ensuring lasting protection for a company's valuable intellectual property.

GMO GlobalSign Inc. (Portsmouth, NH 03801, USA), Hall 8, Stand C24, co-exhibitor with the Industrial Internet Consortium
Contact: Nisarg Desai
Tel.: +1 603 5707060

Research efforts come rain or shine
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) raised vital questions for the future of climate-friendly energy supplies at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 - and had some of its in-house solutions on hand.

Despite the storm clouds gathering on the political horizon, research into alternative solutions to slow down man-made global warming is still going full steam ahead. One particularly promising avenue appears to be CO2-neutral fuels. The key now lies in finding feasible ways of manufacturing and using these kinds of energy sources efficiently for the future - particularly solar energy. What better challenge for the energy researchers at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)?

Besides grappling with this still rather theoretical topic, the scientists from Cologne also showcased some very concrete examples of more sustainable mobility at HANNOVER MESSE this spring in the form of their HY4 fuel-cell aircraft and an air conditioning unit for electric vehicles. "We need to find climate-friendly means of generating electricity, but also solutions for the transportation and heating sector," says Prof. Karsten Lemmer, the DLR board member in charge of energy and transportation. "We are researching alternative drives, renewable fuels and sustainable storage options in our quest to find new solutions for an efficient energy system. In the medium term, this will also enable us to make the transport sector, which accounts for almost 20 percent of CO2 emissions in Germany, more sustainable. Projects such as the HY4 fuel-cell aircraft benefit from the close collaboration between energy and transportation research at the DLR and the high level of interdisciplinary expertise that this generates."

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) (51147 Cologne, Germany), Hall 27, Stand G68
Contact: Dorothee Bürkle
Tel.: +49 2203 601-3492
E-Mail: dorothee.buerkle@dlr.de

Hydrogen generation on the move!
H-TEC SYSTEMS specializes in compact generation and storage of hydrogen as an energy source of the future. The company was at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 to showcase series-ready PEM electrolyzers that could soon cut the cost of generating hydrogen significantly.

H-TEC SYSTEMS is a research and manufacturing company in the GP JOULE Group that is based in Lübeck, Germany. The company has been working on innovative hydrogen products since 1997. It was integrated into the GP JOULE Group in 2010 with the aim of progressing from developing innovative technologies toward smart, holistic system integration. H-TEC’s current portfolio includes H-TEC Series-S stacks and H-TEC Series-ME electrolyzers.

H-TEC Systems' other exhibits at HANNOVER MESSE in May 2017 included its state-of-the-art PEM electrolyzer (PEM stands for "proton exchange membrane" or "polymer electrolyte membrane"), with the official sales launch coinciding with the trade fair. The PEM electrolyzer is a container solution and comes with a four-year performance guarantee. It has an effective membrane area of 400 square centimeters, a starting pressure of up to 30 bar and an electrical output of 225 kilowatts. "This means the specific costs of converting electricity into hydrogen could be as low as 2 euro cents per kilowatt hour in the near future," according to a forecast by H-TEC Systems.

H-TEC SYSTEMS GmbH (23562 Lübeck, Germany), Hall 27, Stand C58
Contact: Timo Bovi
Tel. +49 4671 6074-235
E-Mail: t.bovi@gp-joule.de

CB is anything but over and out!
VoicR is a digital communications app for professional drivers and fleets developed by Continental to digitize citizen band's radio technology and thus optimize networking, information flow and road safety.

There's no doubting that CB radios are useful tools, and not only on U.S.-style trucks. If you think that the advent of smartphones and LTE spelled their downfall, you'll soon be put straight by Continental AG. The company wants to open up new possibilities for networking, information flow and road safety by hauling this traditional technology into the digital era.

CB radio 2.0 is based on an app called VoicR that helps users record short voice messages, for example, and broadcast them to others nearby or users all over the world. Just like its analog predecessor, there's a choice between predefined public or private channels. This direct communication between networked users is meant to help service providers respond to customers' wishes both quickly and accurately. Taxi drivers, for example, can use the app to communicate with other road users for a heads-up on traffic conditions. Logistics companies can pass on requests to drivers with free space in their hold and fleet managers can respond to urgent requests more quickly. Continental's vision in developing the VoicR app is to overhaul forty-year-old analog CB radio technology by transforming it into an ad hoc social network for exchanging location-based voice messages in real time.

Continental AG (30165 Hannover, Germany), Convention Center (CC)
Contact: Sebastian Fillenberg
Tel: +49 6196 87-3709
E-Mail: sebastian.fillenberg@continental-corporation.com

Exhibit at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 wins Environmental Technology Award
When the microstructured Fischer-Tropsch reactor from INERATEC, a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), was unveiled at HANNOVER MESSE 2017, it was just the start of a success story. The latest chapter has seen the development win the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Award 2017.

The microstructured Fischer-Tropsch reactor from INERATEC, which turns gases into liquid synthetic fuels was first presented at HANNOVER MESSE 2017, where it proved a popular exhibit with international visitors. Now it has also impressed the panel of judges for the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Award 2017, earning itself third prize in the "Emission Reduction, Treatment and Separation" category. Representatives from KIT thus had two reasons to celebrate, as Minister of the Environment Franz Untersteller presented a second Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Award 2017 to another project supported by KIT - SOLINK. SOLINK combines photovoltaics and solar thermal technology into an efficient tandem collector.

"Thanks to the innovation efforts at KIT, we are able to bridge the gap between theoretical scientific insight and its practical application," declares Professor Thomas Hirth, Vice President for Innovation and International Affairs at KIT. "We want to be innovative - for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural resources. The fact that the Environmental Technology Award has been presented to two technologies for which we have been a driving force is very encouraging for us." INERATEC is a spin-off of KIT that develops and markets decentralized, microstructured, compact chemical reactors that convert greenhouse gases into chemicals and synthetic fuels. Its micro system plants pick up on the promising trend for energy- and material-efficient process engineering methods. The method showcased at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 produces synthetic fuels based on Fisher-Tropsch synthesis. The compact plant eliminates the need for complex components and is designed to deliver much faster start-up and shutdown processes. What’s more, there’s no need to flare-off excess process gases. The technology from INERATEC is currently in use in Finland, where it is converting hydrogen obtained from solar energy and carbon dioxide extracted from air into liquid fuels.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (76131 Karlsruhe, Germany), Hall 2, Stand B16 (main stand)
Contact: Monika Landgraf
Tel.: +49 721 608-47414
E-Mail: presse@kit.edu

Closing the loop – together!
The new "IT in Automation" working group at ZVEI, the association that represents Germany’s electrical industry, aims to boost cross-sector cooperation to accelerate the digital revolution. Initial results are to be presented at HANNOVER MESSE 2018.

"Industry 4.0 needs cross-sector cooperation," says Gunther Koschnick, head of the Automation Division at ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V.). "Only by working together will we make the digital revolution a reality in production. That is why the Industry 4.0 management team at ZVEI has set up the 'IT in Automation' working group." The new group wants to create a space where information and communication technology (ICT) companies and businesses in the electrical industry can work together more closely. The ultimate aim is to develop a better understanding of the requirements associated with Industry 4.0 and devise joint solutions. Industry giants such as Siemens, Festo, Bosch Rexroth, Emerson, Hilscher and Codewrights, suppliers of MES and ERP solutions such as itac, PSI and SAP, and IT companies including Microsoft and Deutsche Telekom have already signed up to work with ZVEI. More companies interested in getting involved are sure to join them. "We are looking forward to working with all these partners and are open to IT companies that would like to come on board," says Koschnick.

More than anything, the new working group wants to close the loop in automation by linking up with the ICT sector and connecting the shop floor to the office floor. That means finding new approaches to close networking and data exchange between machinery, hardware and office processes. Operational and automation-based IT systems are to be the focal point, including manufacturing operation management (MOM) and manufacturing execution systems (MES), warehouse and maintenance management, quality assurance, production IT and software engineering for Industry 4.0. The new working group aims to identify and classify functions typical of these IT systems and to incorporate them into RAMI 4.0 (Reference Architechtural Model for Industry). "If we are to seamlessly integrate the shop and office floors in good time, we need to start working on it together now," says Koschnick. There shouldn't be long to wait for results. Prof. Martin Wollschlaeger, head of the new 'IT in Automation' working group set out the first milestone in an interview with computer-automation.de at the beginning of August: "The aim is to have initial results ready to present at HANNOVER MESSE 2018."

ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. (60528 Frankfurt, Germany), Hall 11, Stand E35
Contact: Nina Klimpel
Tel.: +49 69 6302-403
E-Mail: klimpel@zvei.org

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