Exhibitors & Products

Hannover, Germany. Digitization is revolutionizing the world of work: Robots work hand in hand with humans or travel autonomously through warehouses. Technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality connect workers with the factory, while exoskeletons support them on the job. Meanwhile, energy consumers are developing into energy suppliers.

But industry is still confronted with some major challenges. According to an economic survey commissioned by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), German manufacturers view the shortage of skilled labor as their main business risk, since it means having to turn down new orders, postpone investment in new technologies and cope with the related wage hikes. By 2030, the economic research and consulting firm Prognos is forecasting a skilled labor shortage of approx. three million people.

Career 4.0 at HANNOVER MESSE is dedicated to examining the steps needed to resolve this shortage and build a qualified workforce. The program consists of three main elements – job and career, WoMenPower and Young Engineers Day – with a shared focus on questions like, "What can industry offer me in terms of my career? How can I move up the ladder professionally? How can I balance work with family life? What training courses are important for me?"

"Not only does Career 4.0 provide students, young professionals and experienced workers with comprehensive information on job vacancies and career opportunities – it also shows them the radical impact of digitization on the world of work and the kind of requirements they need to prepare for," reports Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Director of Sales & Operations at HANNOVER MESSE. "This is our way of supporting our exhibitors in terms of their training and recruiting measures."


On Friday, 27 April, Deutsche Messe will stage the WoMenPower Career Conference at HANNOVER MESSE for the fifteenth time, with the Convention Center as the venue. Geared to working specialists and managers as well as career novices and students, the program will consist of presentations, panel discussions, workshops and networking events. The motto in 2018 is "New Work – Careers in a Changing World", with the keynote delivered by Janina Kugel, Chief Human Resources Officer and member of the Managing Board of the Siemens Group. A "Networking Night" the evening before the congress provides a place for attendees to make new contacts and cultivate existing ones.

The "Engineer Powerwoman" award will be announced at WoMenPower. This career award honors women who have made special contributions to the technical environment of their companies, with an independent jury selecting the final winner. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros. The awards ceremony takes place on 27 April as part of the official WoMenPower opening ceremony.

job and career

"job and career" is the job exchange at HANNOVER MESSE – an event geared to professionals and managers from industry on the one hand, and to university students and graduates on the other. Apart from chatting with potential employers, job seekers can learn about topics like further training and career planning. Up on the job and career STAGE, technical and career specialists will discuss business topics and provide training and workshops – with offerings ranging from personal and professional development to career tips.

The "job and career" online portal carries more than 1,000 job vacancies posted by HANNOVER MESSE exhibitors, including Audi, Aerzener Maschinenfabrik, Ferchau Engineering, Festo Didactic, the Fraunhofer Academy, the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), the Leibniz Association, Phoenix Contact, Pilz, Rittal, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI). Interested job seekers can use the portal to search for potential employers and schedule appointments with them right at the fair.

Young Engineers Day

Staged jointly by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and HANNOVER MESSE, Young Engineers Day on Thursday, 26 April, is geared to students with technical and engineering majors, featuring topic-specific guided tours and information offerings. Students and young engineers from the VDI network can visit exhibitors in the fields of robotics, Industry 4.0, lightweight construction, energy and drive technology. Participants stand to benefit particularly from this opportunity for direct contact and dialogue with representatives of industry.

The topic-specific tours start at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on April 26. Registration takes place on-site at the VDI stand in Hall 2. From 6:00 p.m. onward, all students are invited to attend the Young Engineers Party in Hall 18, where DJ Aleksey will lay down the grooves and refreshments will naturally be provided for.