Man, machine or both? The pros and cons of the digital era
Fast forward to the year 2030. Is man or machine in charge? Are mom and pop stores history? Is climate change marching forward unhindered? Digitalization creates opportunities, but also raises fears. HANNOVER MESSE’s new Transformation Stage addresses both.
Hannover. Do man and machine really coexist in the future? Is e-commerce eliminating brick and mortar stores? Is climate-neutral production just a fantasy? The digital era is a source of many such questions. Starting in 2020, there is a new venue for answers: the Transformation Stage at HANNOVER MESSE. From 20 to 24 April it provides a place to discuss ideas, visions, issues and, yes, fears tied to industrial transformation.
"Digitalization creates new opportunities, but at the same time also doubts," says Olaf Daebler, global director Future Hub at Deutsche Messe. "The Transformation Stage is a new platform where representatives from industry, business, politics, and society address the overarching effects of the digital age. As such, it conveys the lead theme 'industrial transformation' at the Meta level – openly, interdisciplinary, critically and controversially."
The Transformation Stage is located in Hall 25, home of research and development. In contrast to HANNOVER MESSE's industry forums, the focus is on the universal topics related to industrial transformation – from Industrie 4.0, individualization and mobility to artificial intelligence, extended reality and climate protection. The program consists of panel discussions, interviews, kitchen talks, and keynotes as well as partner sessions and networking events.
Speakers confirmed to date include industry experts such as Toby Walsh, professor of artificial intelligence at the University of New South Wales; Professor Michael ten Hompel, managing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics; and Professor Norbert Pohlmann, managing director of the Research Institute for Internet Security.
Call for Papers
Speaking slots are open to company founders, executives, philosophers, politicians, scientists, and association representatives as well influencers and bloggers. The Call for Papers is open until 31 January 2020 and is available online.
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